One of the things I prided myself on prior to having kids was my spontaneity when it came to just about everything I did. It kept life interesting and kept me fulfilled. Now that I have a laundry basket full of responsibilities and obligations, the spontaneousness in me appears to be waning. In short, I over-think way too much. And honestly, sometimes it’s not that serious.
For instance, I’ve been back from my annual BFF getaway for a week and a half now and I just haven’t made the time to sit at the computer and do my review of our cruise on the Norwegian Sky. It’s not that I didn’t want to, it’s just that I’ve been running 60 mph since I’ve gotten back. Pictures are still on my camera, videos need to be uploaded and information shared. Deadlines, meetings, bills, Easter travel, and everything in between have derailed me. I’ve been thinking hard about a crafty post to write when all I should have done was just sit down at my computer as I am now and just write it.
If I thought long and hard about the places I’ve traveled to prior to traveling to them and the activities I’ve embarked in at some of those destinations, my life wouldn’t be colored with the memories of some of the best travel experiences a girl could ask for. Sometimes you have to just throw caution to the wind and just do it. Don’t over-think “Are the kids going to enjoy it?”, “What will they eat?”, “Is this the right time to go?” or “Is this the right place to go to?” – just go! Enjoy! Live, explore, adapt, learn! By all means, you should PREPARE but don’t get so lost in that pre-prep that you shy away from going past “GO”.
Life is short but regrets are LONG. Go somewhere different with your family and simply enjoy.
P.S. I promise I’ll get pictures up next week. Promise, promise, promise.