In this video we give you tips for taking a family road trip to New Jersey.
Road trips are a great entry point for you if you’re just starting out traveling with your kids. This is a video from our early days of traveling with our kids when I called Mom’s Guide To Travel by a different name.
When our kids are younger, and we’ve never done it before, sometimes it can be scary traveling with them for long distances. Take baby steps first and practice traveling locally or going on road trips before you fly.
Tip 1: Once you decide to take a family road trip with your kids, make sure that you hit the road early for your destination. Roads like the New Jersey turnpike for instance, can be riddled with traffic and easily turn a 3-hour drive to a 6-hour drive.
Tip 2: Travel with some sort of GPS system or an atlas when you hit the road.
Check out the video to hear more tips that I share while the kids chill in the back of the car while mom and dad drive.
Travelling with kids is really tough job. But road trips are a best thing to understand your kids well. Thanks for sharing these helpful tips.